
Profile Photo
Meghan Gallagher

About me
While working with clients Meghan has performed a variety of roles including working with Winvale’s STARS program, proposal department, and Network Federal department. With the Business Development team Meghan has helped clients with requ ...

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Fundamentals of Federal Business Development


Having the ability to conduct your own market research and knowing how to network with the right audience is imperative to your overall government business development efforts.

This course will teach you: how to conduct market research, what free procurement tools are available to help you identify early-stage opportunities and the importance of building a long-term pipeline of opportunities. Learn how to identify the right events to attend and how to get in front of your prospects, teaming partners and prime contractors.

During Unit One we will be covering the market research skills government contractors need to know. Many government contractors understand the importance of market research but many struggle with it when it comes to finding information that is valuable to their organization and that will help them to actually expand and grow their business. After this we will discuss what tools are available to identify opportunities, and I may add that all of these tools are free to use which is an added bonus for any government contractor. Next we will look at how to create long term pipelines of opportunities by reviewing how to identify expiring contracts and forecasted opportunities.

In Unit Two we will walk you through how to network with preexisting prime contractors and with other government contractors. We will also discuss the importance of attending events, what to do when you’re at and event along with what to bring, table tops and lunch and learns.

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Course Units
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Unit One
Conducting Market Research 00:03:28
Tools Used to Identify Opportunties 00:08:30
Develop Both Short and Long Term Pipelines 00:04:03
Identifying Expiring Contracts 00:05:42
Identifying Forcasted Opportunities 00:04:38
Unit Two
Networking with the Government 00:02:48
Networking with Existing Prime Contractors 00:04:09
Events 00:02:30
Table Tops 00:03:53
Lunch & Learns 00:04:07
Fundamentals of Federal Business Development Quiz 00:30:00

About Us

Mastering the Federal, State and Local Government marketplace is no easy task. Because of this, we gathered the leading Government Contracting industry experts and created a FREE (no strings attached) community designed to train, educate and empower beginners and experts alike.
